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Women Walk the Floor at CES: Making Strides Towards Gender Equality in Tech

Last week, a significant event took place at the 2024 CES conference. Lucy, a Front-End Developer & Designer from mpathic, was among the over 500 women who participated in The Female Quotient’s Women Walk the Floor Tour. This annual tour is organized by Shelley Zalis, who started The Female Quotient after noticing the lack of female representation in not only the conferences she attended but also in leadership positions across various industries.

Shelley began this tradition over a decade ago, and it has seen exponential growth ever since. Lucy shared her thoughts on her experience, saying, “To see so many women involved was truly inspiring. The Female Quotient Women Walk the Floor Tour started with 50 participants, and this year, there were over 500. The largest tour groups allowed on the CES floor were around 20 people, so it was monumental that a group comprising over 500 women was permitted.”

The Women Walk the Floor Tour seeks to bring more women into the tech industry, a historically male-dominated field. During the event, Lucy spoke to several business owners and entrepreneurs across different industries. She discovered a common thread among them: they attended the tour to be inspired, challenged, and to connect with others to make a greater impact where they are at.

This event represents a turning point in the tech sector, as more and more women join the ranks of innovators, developers, and entrepreneurs. By highlighting their presence at one of the world’s largest innovation conferences, the Women Walk the Floor Tour sends a strong message to the tech industry: gender equality is no longer a mere talking point, but an active and essential pursuit.

As the tech industry continues to evolve, the importance of events like the Women Walk the Floor Tour cannot be underestimated. By fostering inclusion and empowering women, the tech world becomes a more diverse and innovative landscape. Lucy’s experience at the conference is a reminder of how important it is for women to chase their dreams, support one another, and push for change in industries that are traditionally male-dominated.

The strides made by Shelley Zalis and The Female Quotient, as well as the stories of inspiring women like Lucy, serve as a testament to the ongoing commitment towards gender equality. May the Women Walk the Floor Tour continue to inspire and empower women to shatter glass ceilings and shape a more equitable future for the tech industry and beyond. For a closer look at The Female Quotient’s Women Walk the Floor Tour at CES, check out this link where you can witness first-hand the energy, unity, and determination that these incredible women bring to the table.

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