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AWS Female Founder’s Showcase: A Day of Learning, Networking, and Illuminating

At mpathic, we have always believed in the power of fostering a vibrant and inclusive culture within the technology space. It was an honor for our CEO, Dr. Grin Lord, to participate in the enlightening Amazon Web Services (AWS) Female Founder’s Showcase on November 7th. The event revolved around the commendable advancements spearheaded by women-led AI startups who are seamlessly deploying AI to tackle intricate challenges in infrastructure, operations, and data.

The showcase was an excellent platform to learn directly from venture capitalists, offering insights into the future of AI technology, as well as to network with proficient entrepreneurs innovating within the field.

Considerable applause should be given to the AWS team, notably Maria Hess and Lily Yuen Xu. These women played a pivotal role in organizing the event, fostering an environment conducive to sharing knowledge, igniting creativity, and sparking important conversations. Their diligent efforts provided unique opportunities for participants to engage with a multitude of trailblazing founders – among them Evette Ellis, Jenn Gamble, PhD, and NFL legend, Jill Stelfox. Additionally, the event afforded much-appreciated media training from Jennifer Fukui Castells and follow-up interviews with Chalaire M., adding layers of learning and development to an already fruitful week.

The AWS Female Founder’s Showcase stands as much more than just an event – it embodies a progressive attitude towards gender diversity in the tech sector that we at mpathic, and around the world, should all strive towards. Inspiring weeks as such reaffirm our commitment not just to harnessing the immense potential of AI health tech, but also doing so in an inclusive, empowering manner.

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